Weaving ourselves together
Sharing resources + getting together (virtually)
I hope that you are well, finding your bearings, and well-connected to your support system. [Pressed for time? Invitations and resources listed below.]
This is hard. And it’s going to be challenging for awhile. This pandemic is bringing alarming realities into every region of the world, enormous disruptions to daily routines, and a profound sense of uncertainty. And nobody is immune to what’s unfolding, individually and collectively.
Does that generate panic or empathy? (Maybe both?)
In the midst of those real challenges, we have some choices to make. Do we let ourselves be overrun by fear and anxiety, or do we lean into our interdependence, resourcefulness, and creativity? We can’t control the outcome, but we can shape how we respond (both in terms of our actions and in terms of our stance).
Here’s my intention: I’m going to focus on choosing love and possibilities over fear and hopelessness. I’m not gonna lie. It’s a practice, and it’s imperfect. When I’m on my game, I feel grounded and resourceful, and I can be a steadying force for myself and others. And when I find myself stumbling, other people near and far — a group of neighbors, a poet I’ve never heard of, or a story about a clever approach to a thorny problem — shore me up, and remind me of our collective brilliance and strength.
So in that spirit, I’m focused on creating opportunities for people to shore each other up, and I’m shining a light on examples of generosity, creativity, and resourcefulness.
First, an invitation to upcoming virtual gatherings:
Centering in Times of Uncertainty:
- Breathing and centering practices led by fantastic colleagues and facilitators Annie Von Essen and Erika Murcia of the Room Next Door.
- Three Thursdays, 3/26, 4/2, and 4/9 @ 2pm PST.
- Breathing and centering practices led by fantastic colleagues and facilitators Annie Von Essen and Erika Murcia of the Room Next Door.
B.Y.O.P. Virtual Work Parties:
- Bring Your Own Project and get stuff done. It’s amazing how much we can accomplish when there’s a thread of connection, parallel focus, and mutual inspiration. It’s energizing and humanizing to hear quick snippies about what other people are working on, and to celebrate progress.
- Four Thursdays in April, 10:30am – noon, PST (April 2, 9, 16, and 23)
- Bring Your Own Project and get stuff done. It’s amazing how much we can accomplish when there’s a thread of connection, parallel focus, and mutual inspiration. It’s energizing and humanizing to hear quick snippies about what other people are working on, and to celebrate progress.
Scribble + Jot Creative Coffee Hour Series:
- Lightly-facilitated and fun drawing exercises to give yourself a creative break and bridge the Work-From-Home isolation. Suitable for solo attendance, skills not required. And feel free to bring your ‘drawing associate’. (Can they write their name and draw a credible stick figure? Are you already sharing serving utensils and boxes of antibacterial wipes with them? They’re qualified for the job!)
- Four Tuesdays in April, 10:30am PST. (April 7, 14, 21, 28)
- Lightly-facilitated and fun drawing exercises to give yourself a creative break and bridge the Work-From-Home isolation. Suitable for solo attendance, skills not required. And feel free to bring your ‘drawing associate’. (Can they write their name and draw a credible stick figure? Are you already sharing serving utensils and boxes of antibacterial wipes with them? They’re qualified for the job!)
And here are a few highlights from the past week:
Some of these are specific to a certain region (and might only be useful as a model for how your community could weave itself together during the challenges ahead). Many of them are general, or virtual. Obviously, this isn’t comprehensive, just a handful of examples of people rallying together, pooling their energy, creativity, and knowledge to pitch in during this challenging time.
- Humanities Washington’s Cabin Fever Questions: Based on the premise that ‘with the right prompts, social distancing can actually heighten social connection’. This series of posts encourages us to embrace this forced slowdown and reconnect with those closest to us as we ponder big questions like ‘What is the difference between loneliness and solitude?’ and ‘Aside from basic resources, what is necessary to have a good life?’ Suggested readings and videos are also included.
- Distilleries across the country have been making and distributing hand sanitizers to local restaurants, nonprofit organizations, food banks, etc.
- Seattle Artist Relief Fund: A grassroots campaign organized by Seattle author Ijeoma Oluo to provide immediate relief to Seattle-area artists and creative workers. You can donate here. Individual Seattle-area artists can apply here.
- Resources for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community about COVID-19, assembled by Elizabeth Ralston. Include weekly vlogs in ASL and a host of other resources.
- Teddy Bear and Rainbow Scavenger Hunts, in quarantined and social-distancing neighborhoods from San Antonio to Seattle, to make family walks fun for kids.
And some creative inspiration for laughter and tears:
- Totwaffles, by Ada Powers. A thorough philosophical and practical exploration of the relationship between a waffle iron and tater tots. (I’m hardly ever on Ye Olde Twitter, but this caught my attention somewhere and I tracked it down. If I had a waffle iron and tater tots, I’d be all over this.)
- Pandemic, a poem by Lynn Ungar. “Know that we are connected in ways that are terrifying and beautiful…Know that our lives are in one another’s hands.”
- ‘We are Leaves of the Same Tree‘: A Chinese company ships crates of masks to Italy covered in poetry.
Please stay in touch:
- I’d love to see you at whichever of the virtual gatherings that’s the right fit for you. (And if you have ideas for other topics/formats/etc, please let me know.)
- If you’d like a sounding board for whatever leadership challenges you’re navigating, please reach out and let me know what’s on your mind.
Big thanks, more soon, and take care of yourself and each other.
Sara Lawson is a consultant, coach, facilitator, and the creator of Gauge Leadership Lab (Bellingham Series starts October 9th, 2020; London series starts Oct 20, 2020; Seattle series starts on March 5, 2021). She is passionate about the role that mission-inspired companies and organizations have in strengthening communities. She also knows that leadership can be fulfilling AND frustrating, even for dedicated, skilled, and creative people. You can reach Sara HERE.